Friday, September 16, 2011

Bonne Chance!!!!

A few days ago, as I was retreiving my mail , I noticed something tucked into my front door.  Seven pieces of wheat, tied with a gold ribbon.  I have received several of these over time -- I have kept them all -- it is a French good luck symbol for abundance, an abundance of money, income!  One of my French girlfriends had left this for me. 

Zelda Blessing the Wheat
How ironic to receive a wish for good financial fortune when I am starting a new business.  This is truly a good omen.  Zelda my siamese something rescue cat has approved the wheat. 

This morning I have a meeting with a friend who has begun his own marketing company.  I am looking forward to this, as I want to know if I am on the right marketing track. There is a geographical challenge to any business on the coast, as there are numerous townships from Georgetown, SC (my town) to North Carolina with no central hub.  How to overcome this??

Rodan + Fields Dermatologists is the brain child of the Drs. who created Proactiv. The Anti-Age regimes, sell themselves, I need to know I am doing all that I can do to reach the right people, and that would be anyone with skin. Three years ago, they pulled their Anti-Age products from the cosmetic counters of leading department stores, ie, Nordstrom, in order to make their products more assessable to the public, and to create a stream of income for the consultants who partnered with them.  This is my business.

If you are face booking or tweeting, please click on the appropriate button so I know I am not blogging in vain.

Bonne Chance to all of you today!  

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