Thursday, January 21, 2010

Reconnecting With Long Lost Friends

Well, here we go, we finish school, marry, start our careers, and life just happens. We lose touch with people, and we really do lose touch! We don't know where they are, are they still on this Earth, are they well, are they happy? Then comes Facebook! Last week I began reuniting with high school buddies and it is wonderful. Now we are able to look into each life via online photo albums and do some virtual catching up!

I know, you can't go back in time and recreate the glory years, but people don't change that much! If anything, we are refined and better than we were when that first zest of life was motivating us, and the world was an open book. Now we have pages to share in that book, heck, we have chapters, maybe even novels.

Alright my good friends, now there is no excuse, let's create a new era of friendship! I can't wait to reconnect with all of you face to face.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Question for the Property Tax Assessor $$$$

If in recent years, my property value has in fact plummeted, I ask you, in all fairness, why did my Property Tax increase this year? This does not make sense to me! Who are you people??? What are you spending my money on??? Get a grip people, quit creating more county and city jobs, that don't improve my life, and take money out of my savings! Stop it!

I bet they start a Rooster Round Up Squad! Num Nuts!


The rooster population has now grown to four. One hen has chimed in. They are out and about every morning, not as vocal in the winter, as in the summer. They cross the busy street without fear, they crow, they strut, they are beautiful.

Digging Out of the Frozen South

Atypical weather for South Carolina. We have had some extremely long bouts of cold temps. This challenge in my studio, which according to my standards was a deep freeze, made me all the more appreciative of the issues of my forerunners. I am spoiled by central air, and automatic heat. While the paint was hardening on the palette due to the cold, I thought, how did they do it? How did they paint without heat, how did they keep their focus? I am in awe of them! I bow down to them! They are my heroes! If they could create beauty in those conditions, I can do it!