Sunday, October 2, 2011

Etretat - The Painting

 Etretat Update

 Etretat - the painting - resides in Tennessee - with one of my favorite collectors.  I had an email from the gentleman this weekend, 9/28/13, assuring me that he was still smitten with the work.  It was so nice to hear from him and nicer yet - that he was enjoying the piece!

This painting was completed in my studio and is the result of a plein air painting trip to Normandy in 2006.  I used a palette knife, it is oil on canvas and the dimensions are 30" x 40".  It is the last painting I sold before the economy took a nose dive.  I would have held onto this one, but my cottage is too small, the ceilings are too low, it needed a proper home, and it found one.

As I was painting Etretat I fell in love with it. When I fall in love with a painting, I tend to slow down the painting process  ----  the truth is I begin to have a relationship with the work and start to experience  premature separation anxiety.  I would go into an altered state of conciousness every session, and when I do this, I am working entirely out of the right brain - I don't think, I create.  This doesn't happen with every painting, when it does - - - euphoria!

There is an inner peace that follows the completion of a work well done!

Just Finished!

by Jean Hanna
Check out this great piece of art on Saatchi Online.

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